
Monitor Competitor Prices.

Our automated product matching, repricing and comprehensive view of the market help you make informed pricing decisions.

Designed for

Automated Shopify
price matching

Built originally for our own use as nothing met our needs for a competitive pricing tool integrated with Shopify.


Design for Shopify

Built for Shopify, using the latest Shopify Approved technologies for a seamless integration.


Google Shopping

Create and organize campaigns based on the competitive status of the market.


Competitor Monitoring

Get a global vision of the market, both at price and product attribute level, and lead the game.


Stock Availability

Find out whether stock availability has changed across distribution channels.


Dynamic Pricing

Reprice smartly and start increasing your e-commerce’s conversions.


Export Data

Export and merge our pricing data increase the quality and quantity of data metrics & reporting.

We match your products for you

Automatic matching. Our algorithm matches your products to competitor listings based on product data.

Manual matching. If your data is lacking EAN we can manually match your products.


Maximise your profits

Margin calculation. Enter your cost prices and delivery to calculate profit margins.

Prevent negative margins. Match prices to a specific margin and prevent selling at a loss.

By the numbers

We track millions of prices

Our data scraper is able to crawl, match and scrape prices from thousands of websites every day.








Take control of your pricing strategy

Let us automatically match your products to competitor listings and dynamically match prices.

Free Trial